Bio-essence Royal Jelly + ATP
Ladies, tahu nggak sih? Sulit untuk mendapatkan kulit wajah yang sehat jika kamu hanya melakukan perawatan secara instan. Itu kenapa Bio-Essence hadir dalam serangkaian produk yang bisa membantu memenuhi kebutuhan kulit wajah kamu. Berikut ini ada review dari blogger Agustine yang sudah mencoba serangkaian produk Bio-Essence nih. Kita intip hasilnya yuk.
Last month, I was offered to try a product series by Bio Essence, a skin care brand originated from Singapore which popular for its Face Lifting Cream. It’s trusted for its effectivity to tighten the skin and give that lifting effect, giving a slimmer cheek and v-shaped jawline. This time, they send me the Bio Essence Royal Jelly + ATP series including Deep Exfoliating Gel, Nourishing Deep Cleanser, Deep Nourishing Toner, Radiant Youth Essence, and the Face Lifting Cream I mentioned before.
To be honest, I won’t be needing the lifting cream to shape my cheek or jawline, but I do want to maintain skin firmness and texture to look fresh and youthful. Considering my growing age and some bad lifestyle which increasing the signs of aging, like stress at work, lack of sleep, sun exposure, free radical and pollution in outdoors, lack of water, and so on. Skin care would be helpful to slow down the aging and take care the skin health and beauty.
Because for me, makeup is only the garnish, while skin care is the main dish. If we have a good skin, the makeup will follow without having to wear it too much.
It’s not familiar for me to find Royal Jelly in a skin care product, or at least that’s not my favorite ingredients to have in my skin care product. I usually pick the one with green tea, honey, rose, etc. But there’s actually a good reason why people been using Royal Jelly in food and beauty industry.
From what I red, Royal Jelly is actually a nutrition support exclusively provided by the worker bees for the queen. With Royal Jelly, a queen bee can live up 40x longer than the worker bee. As a conclusion in a research by One of German Health Association, It says that Royal Jelly can improve life and strength, slow down the aging process ( ageless ), maintain youthfulness, refresh the body and strengthen the brain. (H.W Schmidt, M.D.)
While ATP ( adenosine triphosphate ) is a medium that helps to channel energy into the skin cells continuously, improve micro – circulation effectively to renew and improve the skin .
Now let’s discuss my experience using each product from Bio Essence Royal Jelly + ATP
Exfoliating the dead skin regularly will make our skin looks brighter and healthier. That’s because once the dead skin is off, a new healthier skin will be regenerated as the result the skin texture and color become even better. Aside from that, the absorption of skin care used will be optimum.
When we exfoliate the dead skin cell on the face, always use a clean and dry hand to apply the product on the forehead, cheek, nose, and chin. Gently massage the face in a circular motion until you see small flakes came out which actually the dead skin cell. Lastly, rinse off the face. What I actually love about this product is the texture, it’s light but slippery enough to make the massage process become easier and enjoyable.
What I actually love about this product is the texture. It has a light texture like water based product but slippery enough to make the massage process become easier and enjoyable.
Once I started massaging the face, the flakes started to come out and I’m confidence to say that it’s the actual dead skin cell, not the product itself. I realize that the flakes not necessarily come out in every part of the face but certain area even I already put the same amount of product. Other than that, I also feel the changes on my skin texture that turns softer significantly. I just can’t stop touching myself.
Next, use cleanser to clean up any impurities, dirt or oil that trapped in the pores after we spend a whole day with many activities indoor and outdoor. The good thing about this face cleanser is its soap-free ingredients, making it gentle on the skin and doesn’t make my skin feels tight as well. But if you have an oily skin, it’s better to use Nourishing Foamy Cleanser, because the Deep Cleanser is formulated for dry and normal skin type.
To start the skin care routine, I always start with the toner to prepare the skin so it’s ready to absorb the next product used. The Royal Jelly and ATP in the toner will also help to maintain the skin moisture and firmness. This toner comes in water consistency with a soft and soothing fragrance that I love so much.
Once my face is ready to absorb the other product, I apply Radiant Youth Essence to nourish the skin and lock the moisture content of the skin so the skin becomes soft and radiant. To use it, I will only need one pump to distribute all over the face, then massage in circular movements .
The product itself is transparent, light in texture and tend to be slippery, but once I apply it to the face this essence was quite thick and feels exactly like oil. However, this essence does not feel sticky at all. One thing to know is that this essence will take time before it can be fully absorbed into the face, in order to speed up the process of absorption of the face gently massage or pat until your face feels matte and dry.
I feel excited to try this product amongst other product in this Royal Jelly + ATP series. It claims that the product can slim down the cheek and tighten the skin. It also becomes popular in Singapore for it’s successful “Mega Face Lifting Challenge” event in 2013. In that event, Bio-Essence has 100 challengers to prove if the Face Lifting Cream really works to make their face slimmer in 10 minutes after usage at Lv 1 Atrium Singapore.
I apply this product all over the face, then I focus on massaging my cheek in an upward motion. First thing I realize is there’s a strong mint sensation on my skin which I’m not really comfortable with, it’s still bearable though. The result itself is not significant or visibly seen after I wait for 10 minutes and did the measurement with a measuring tape included in the package. I’m not quite sure what to say since my cheek is already lack of fat, so I’m not sure if it’s me or the cream. Also be aware that the result for each individual might be different from my experience.
Disclaimer: Hasil yang didapat berbeda sesuai kondisi masing-masing individu
Overall, I like this product series as it does not only give me a visible result in a short amount of time it also feels gentle and friendly on my skin. This Royal Jelly + ATP series also has a gentle and soothing scent which is a huge plus point for me. I believe fragrance will effect the pleasant and comfort level when we use a product. From the whole product, Face Lifting Cream is the only product which not suitable for my skin. But if you love the freshness that a mint sensation gives on your face, then this might be good for you especially if you also have round face or chubby cheek. Don’t forget to try their Exfoliating Gel and Essence as well, they are my fave!
Reviewed by
Agustine Gozali
An Indonesian Makeup Artist and Blogger
Disclaimer: Hasil yang didapat berbeda sesuai kondisi masing-masing individu